What I'm using as a client
- Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
- Minecraft Client 1.3.2
- Minecraft Forge (Link here)
Client steps
- Create a backup copy of the installed copy of ~/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
- Create a temporary directory "mc"
- Copy your installed copy of minecraft at ~/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar to mc
- cd inside mc, then run jar -xf minecraft.jar
- rm minecraft.jar
- nautilus ..
- Open the minecraft forge file
- Extract all the minecraft forge files into mc, they will overwrite files
- Run jar -cf minecraft.jar .
- nautilus .
- Open minecraft.jar and delete META-INF/ now
- mv minecraft.jar ~/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
- Start minecraft from your minecraft loader (confusingly also named minecraft.jar)
- If you receive a pop-up saying something like, "FML needs to setup your environment," then all is well.
- Put mods into the generated ~/.minecraft/mods directory.
Server steps
- Create a backup copy of the installed minecraft_server.jar
- Copy the minecraft_server.jar locally into a temporary directory "mc"
- Make sure its empty from the client jar.
- jar -xf minecraft_server.jar
- rm minecraft_server.jar
- nautilus ..
- Open the minecraft forge file
- Extract all the minecraft forge files into mc, they will overwrite files
- Now, you will keep the META-INF/manifest
- jar -cmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF minecraft_server.jar
- Put the minecraft_server.jar back onto your server and copy it over your installed minecraft_server.jar. It's a good idea to do a cksum on your local computer and on the server to make sure nothing was lost in transfer.
- You should be able to run your server as normal. Run it once, then put your mods in the generated mods/ directory.